LIVE from the kitten castle!

Whether the workday is long or the Tokyo typhoon blew thru your area- our kitty's at our  JCN Fukushima shelter are oblivious to anything else but playtime!!   Watch this!!  

Take a look at our first of many future LIVE videos thanks to FB from the JCN shelter...

So enjoy watching these youngsters because who doesn't love watching cats jump and play! Meet Zelda (calico/5 months), Kozu, Koki orange white brothers/7monthsImage titleGood to mention that these youngsters and more are up for adoption- see our website section of featured cats waiting for placement..

We are pleased to say that we are having a good 2017 year for fosters and adoptions as we have added Sharon Lacey- foster/adoptions coordinator- to our admin team of volunteers! WE love having her on our JCN team, her genuine enthusiasm and compassion for cats are amazing!! Divide and conquer as the admin workload is better shared...  

We wish homes for all our shelter animals and strays that we help behind the scenes with emails, video chats throughout Japan.. As we have found it is the young, cute and cuddly cats which  are the favorite choices among most people and we want to talk with you! BUT,  if you are in the select few of fosters/adopters who love the challenge of special needs or older kitty's, we want to tell you about some of our shy, misunderstood 6-7yr old kitty's too! Image titleUntil the day our shelter has found homes for all the animals in our care, we will do our best to provide for them thanks to great donors and monthly sponsors..

We do seem to have a revolving door to make space for new intakes like Kaede-Image titleShe will be out of quarantine soon and ready for play in the youngster room soon enough...  We are so happy to report, that we are able to keep our shelter intakes down because of a dedicated foster network with farther reach for placements yet we still NEED more fosterers and adopters (we always need more!).. Just because these kitty's look happy (they are) it is no replacement for a loving home and bedtime snuggles with a family to call his/her own..

SO complete our questionaire and lets start the conversation today!


Shelter Update - October 2017


Volunteer Under The Spotlight: Laura!