Feed Cats Well

cats eating together

We know that food is an essential aspect of good health for humans, so it shouldn’t be surprising that this aspect is also true for our cats. While it might seem convenient to toss a low cost bag of kibble into the cart at the grocery store, here are five reasons to aim higher.


Reason 1: Cheap cat food is a false economy

Cheap cat food is a false economy. It’s cheap because it contains inexpensive fillers which results in cats having to eat more to make up the needed nutritional value. This can be especially bad for kittens, who need additional nutrients to support growth.

Tip: Premium brands bought in bulk are often affordable. Be sure to store food in an airtight container to keep the food fresh. Compare prices of the most reputable brands, since the prices that sellers set can vary greatly.

For example: Tomcat Express vs. Amazon


Reason 2: Cheap cat food can contribute to expensive health issues

Cheap cat food can contribute to expensive health issues like obesity, urinary tract disorders, and diabetes, due to excessive carbohydrate content and even added sugar.

Tip: Check reviews for premium brands online, to get a better idea of which brands people see making more of a difference in their cat’s overall health, as well as which brands people report that most cats like. Keep in mind that pet food companies heavily influence veterinarians and online information. There's lot's of conflicting information out there, depending on who benefits, so you will need to dig deeper, keep known cat health principals in mind, and focus on clearly science based reporting.

ConsumersAdvocate.org's 10 Best Cat Foods


Reason 3: A cheap dry food only diet reduces moisture

A cheap dry food only diet reduces moisture, and cats really need added moisture for urinary and kidney health, since these aspects are already weak tendencies.

Tip: Feed some wet food every day, to get more moisture into your cat’s diet. This will save you money on urinary health now and kidney care later on.

More info: Why Cats Should Eat Wet Food


Reason 4: Cheap foods often contain harmful chemicals

Cheap foods often contain harmful dyes to make the food look more appealing to humans, and chemicals that make the food taste more attractive to pets.

Tip: Just because it tastes good, doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Sprinkle a bit of nutritional yeast on top of premium foods to enhance flavor and add vitamin B, or add bits of dry treats that the cat enjoys. Cats can develop picky eating habits, and if they stop eating, this can have a serious impact on the liver. Feed a variety of different high quality foods to broaden the nutrient base and prevent strong food preferences.

Nutritional Yeast for Finicky Cats


Reason 5: Cheap food can cause digestive issues

Cheap food can cause digestive issues, since cats’ digestive systems have to work harder to process the fillers along with what they need for nutrition.

Tip: In addition to sticking with premium brands and checking labels, add cat playtime to your schedule in order to keep your cat more active, which helps improve digestion as well as calorie burning.

Exercise for Your Cat


We’ve seen that offering wet food daily, and sticking to high quality premium dry foods, makes a huge difference in our shelter kitties’ overall health and well being. Spend some time and extra money on finding the best food options now, for a happier and longer life together in future.



